About me
+48 42 631 2724, +48 698 999 853
PL-93005 Łódź, ul. Wólczańska 221 bud. B18
Building B18, 1st floor, room 51
Building B18, ground floor, room 8 (I may also be working in another laboratory)
Work calendar
Polish terms: konsultacje = consultations for students; podróż służbowa = business trip; wolne od zajęć = free of classes; urlop = personal holiday.
Students wishing to contact me are kindly asked to first read the information provided on the For students page in the Didactic activity section below.
I received my doctor’s degree in electronics from the Lodz University of Technology in 2010. I have since been working at the Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science as an Assistant Professor (also as a Research Assistant and a Technical Assistant before that). I have been also cooperating with the industry as well as research institutions. I focus on power electronic supplies and their components. You can find my complete scientific and professional profile in the Scientific activity section.